Unable to create a new environment/application set after installing BPC. During installation process, the following error occurs during the create sample OLAP database.
Possible error log1:
- OsoftInstall.log exhibits the following error message:"Create Sample OLAP Database: Error"
- BPCInstallation.log in the step of connecting to OLAP server, exhibits following error messages:
- [Exception] : System.Exception: Exception error has occurred; check the log ID = xxx for more details
at OSoft.Services.Application.AdminMainServer.AdminUtil.AdminObjCreate(String strClass, String language)
at OSoft.Services.Application.AdminMainServer.AdminUtil.GetOlapVersion()
at OSoft.Services.Application.AdminMainServer.AdminOlapProcessing.CreateOlapDatabaseForVB(String strSqlServer, String strOlapServer, String strInsightOLAPServerName, String strAppsetName, String& strMsg)
- [Exception] : System.Exception: Exception error has occurred; check the log ID = xxx for more details
Possible error log 2:
==============[System Error Tracing]==============
[System Name] : OLAPServerHandler
[Message Type] : ErrorMessage
[Job Name] : Olap9Manager : CubeProcess
[DateTime] : 8/24/2012 10:53:40 AM
[UserId] :
DetailMsg : {Microsoft.AnalysisServices.OperationException:
Server: The current operation was cancelled because another operation
in the transaction failed.
OLE DB error: OLE DB or ODBC error: Login failed for user test-
BPCSQLDEV$'.; 42000.
Errors in the high-level relational engine. A connection could not be
made to the data source with the DataSourceID of 'AppDef', Name
of 'AppDef'.
Errors in the OLAP storage engine: An error occurred while the
dimension, with the ID of 'Account', Name of 'Account' was being
Errors in the OLAP storage engine: An error occurred while the '(All)'
attribute of the 'Scopes' dimension from the 'EnvironmentShell'
database was being processed.
Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AnalysisServicesClient.SendExecuteAndReadResponse(ImpactDetailCollection impacts, Boolean expectEmptyResu
Boolean throwIfError)
at Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AnalysisServicesClient.Process
(IMajorObject obj, ProcessType type, Binding source, ErrorConfiguration
errorConfig, WriteBackTableCreation writebackOption,
ImpactDetailCollection impact, XmlaWarningCollection warnings)
at Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Server.Process(IMajorObject obj,
ProcessType processType, Binding source, ErrorConfiguration
errorConfig, WriteBackTableCreation writebackOption,
XmlaWarningCollection warnings, ImpactDetailCollection impactResult,
Boolean analyzeImpactOnly)
at Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Server.SendProcess(IMajorObject obj,
ProcessType processType, Binding source, ErrorConfiguration
errorConfig, WriteBackTableCreation writebackOption,
XmlaWarningCollection warnings, ImpactDetailCollection impactResult,
Boolean analyzeImpactOnly)
at Microsoft.AnalysisServices.ProcessableMajorObject.Process
(ProcessType processType, ErrorConfiguration errorConfiguration,
XmlaWarningCollection warnings)
at Microsoft.AnalysisServices.ProcessableMajorObject.Process
(ProcessType processType)
at Osoft.Services.Platform.YukonAdmin.Olap9Manager.CubeProcess
(String mCubeName, Int32 nProcessType, String& strMsg, Int64
- SAP Planning and Consolidation for Miscrosoft 10.X SPxx
- SAP Planning and Consolidation for Miscrosoft 7.X SPxx
olap,4200,appdef,BPC installation, BPC MS installation, cannot create a new application set, cannot create a new environment, OLAP server error, exception error during installation. , KBA , installation , EPM-BPC-MS , Microsoft Version , Problem
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