SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

1758164 - Unable to Delete Distribution Chains from Material/Service Since Remove Button is Disabled


You have a requirement to remove some of the Distribution Chains from a Material or Service, but the Remove button is disabled.

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to Product Data work center.
  2. Select Service or Material view.
  3. Edit a Service or Material.
  4. Go to Sales tab.


In Sales tab of a Service/Material, Once you activate a Distribution Chain then it is not possible to remove the entry from the Service/Material. Service and Material are Master Datas, so it is not allowed to remove because it may result in inconsistency in the document which ever is using this Service/Material.


The system works as designed.

So, you are only allowed to Block the Distribution Chain from the Service or Material which intern will not allow any business transaction document to use this Distribution Chain of this particular Service or Material.

The Remove is enabled only for the Distribution Chains which are in the status Initial and In Preparation.


KBA , distribution chains , material , service , SRD-MD-PRD-PRD , Product , Product Enhancement


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