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1759753 - J2EE System fails with "exit code = 11"


The system is running and abruptly fails with the following traces in the dev_jstart file:

F  [Thr 140289385400128] *** LOG => Send SIGINT to server0 (pid 24282).
F  [Thr 140289385400128] *** LOG => Process server0 stopping (pid 24282).
F  [Thr 140289385400128] *** LOG => Instance state is "All processes running" (RUNNING @ 3, ACTIVE).
F  [Thr 140289385400128] *** LOG => Signal 17 SIGCHLD.
F  [Thr 140289385400128] *** WARNING => process server0 (pid 24282) killed (signal 11). [sfuxlib.hpp  838]
F  [Thr 140289385400128] *** LOG => Process server0 stopped (pid 24282).
F  [Thr 140289385400128] *** WARNING => Node server0 failed: result 1, exit code 11. [sfxxnode.hpp 1024]



SAP NetWeaver Java Application Server


SAP NetWeaver 7.3


exit, code, exitcode, 11, kernel, sap, jvm, sapjvm, 7.3, netweaver, java, as, application, server, netweaver, process, stopping, instance, state, running, signal, 17, sigchld, sigint, killed, result 1, node, failed , KBA , BC-JAS-COR , Enterprise Runtime, Core J2EE Framework , Problem

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