SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

1762536 - Multiple errors while creating Outgoing check


Customer is creating an outgoing check for a supplier and is receiving this errors:
*Error while recalculating the withholding tax:
*Jurisdiction code missing in address of Supplier XXX
*Amounts on Invoice XYZ are inconsistent
*The assigned payment amount for the item must not be zero. You can only clear items with deductions or discounts manually


Reproducing the Issue

1-WoC Payables
2-View Suppliers / Supplier Accounts
3-Search the supplier you intend to pay
4-Tab ‘Trade payables’ appears the open item, choose the one you want
4-Select this line and press button ‘Payment Manually By Outgoing Check’
5-Errors appears:
*Error while recalculating the withholding tax:
*Jurisdiction code missing in address of Supplier XXX
*Amounts on Invoice XYZ are inconsistent
*The assigned payment amount for the item must not be zero. You can only clear items with deductions or discounts manually


The ‘Main Address’ in the supplier account empty for the bellow fields:
Tax Jurisdiction Code

1-Open the Supplier ID
2-Press button view all
3-Under ‘Main Address’ these fields are not complete:
Tax Jurisdiction Code


You must maintain the ‘Main Address” of the supplier completely.
Tax Jurisdiction Code

After these fields being maintained then customer is able to complete the outgoing check


KBA , outgoing check , jurisdiction code missing , error while recalculating , SRD-FIN-ACP , Payables , How To


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