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1763544 - Change .unv / OLAP universe parameter to enhance WebI refresh and List of Values performance on BI 4.0


  1. Refreshing a WebIntelligence report in the BI Launchpad takes much longer (3 times or even longer) than it does in the WebI Rich Client running in 2-tier mode.
  2. Expanding a List of Values (LOV) in a WebI prompt (when based on an OLAP .unv universe) takes much longer (3 times or even longer) in the BI Launch Pad than it does in WebI Rich Client running in 2-tier mode.
  3. The WebI reports showing these issues are based on a .unv Universe that connects to a SAP BW or OLAP data source.



  • SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform  4.0
  • Web Intelligence (WebI)


SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform 4.0


BI4, BI4.0, WebIntelligence, Web, Intelligence, Webi, hierarchy, list, of, values, LOV, prompt, longer, time, Rich, Internet, Application, Client, unv, OLAP, MSAS, performance, slow, refresh, RIA, WRC, 4.1, 4.2 , KBA , BI-RA-WBI , Web Intelligence , Problem

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