When you create a New Trading Unit of Measurement and upon saving it, system throws below error message:
3 is not a fixed value of field Activation Status
Reproducing the Issue
- Go to Business Configuration work center.
- Select Implementation Projects view.
- Select Open Activity List button.
- Select Fine-Tune chevron.
- Open the Quantities and Units of Measure activity.
- Select Create and Maintain Trading Units link.
- Add a new entry with unit, UoM Symbol, Description, Activation Status 2 - Released and Display Decimals 0.
- Save your changes and the above error message will appear.
The Activation should be set from status In Preparation to Released. It is not possible to save the Units directly with Released status.
When you enter a new Unit, it should be set to status 2- Released from the status 1-Inpreparation. Hence follow the below steps,
1. Go to Business Configuration work center.
2. Go to Implementation Projects view.
3. Click Open Activity List button.
4. Go to phase Fine- Tuning.
5. Open the activity Quantities and Units of Measure.
6. Select the link Create and Maintain Trading Units.
7. Select Add Row and add a new entry with Unit , UoM Symbol, Description, Activation Status 2 – Released and Display Decimals 0.
8. Change the status Activation Status to 1 - In Preparation and select Enter key in the keyboard.
9. Now, change the status to 2- Released and select Enter key in the keyboard.
10. Select Save button.
KBA , 3 is not a fixed value , activation status , AP-RC-BCT , Business Config. Tools (SAP Business ByDesign , Product Enhancement