- Web application using Crystal Reports SDK for VS .NET
- Reports are connecting to Oracle 11 g, using Microsoft Oracle ODBC or Oracle OLE DB drivers
- Crystal reports for Visual Studio 2010
- Visual Studio 2010
- From MSD Data Access Technologies Road Map:
Oracle ODBC and Oracle OLE DB: The Microsoft Oracle ODBC Driver (Oracle ODBC) and Microsoft OLE DB
Provider for Oracle (Oracle OLE DB) provide access to Oracle database servers. They are built by
using Oracle Call Interface (OCI) version 7 and provide full support for Oracle 7. Also, it uses
Oracle 7 emulation to provide limited support for Oracle 8 databases. Oracle no longer supports
applications that use OCI version 7 calls. These technologies are deprecated. If you are using
Oracle data sources, you should migrate to Oracle-supplied driver and provider.
- Upgrade the Oracle Client and then update the reports to use the new Client driver
CR2010 2010 CR4VS2010 CR4VS VS2010 NET2010 Crystal Reports for .NET Framework 4.0 crforvs 13 Crystal Reports for Visual Studio 2010 , KBA , BI-DEV-NET-SDK , .NET SDK / COM SDK , How To