- When scheduling objects using file-based events, the trigger file used is not deleted.
- How do you automatically delete trigger files used to schedule file-based events?
- Events are not triggered when a file that is used to trigger the file-based event is created/deleted by an application outside of SAP BOE or SAP BI Platform. For example ETL tools such as DataService.
- SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.1
- SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence Platform 4.x [BI]
SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform 4.0 ; SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform 4.1 ; SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform 4.2 ; SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.1
File Event, Delete, schedule, file based, event, trigger, file, auto, delete, remove, instance, fail, kicked, kick, triggered, drop, dropped, detects, detect , KBA , BI-BIP-ADM , BI Servers, security, Crystal Reports in Launchpad , How To
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