Web application throws below error while printing a Crystal report containing Barcode on production machine.
Error: "UFL 'u2lcom.dll.dll' that implements this function is missing."
- Visual Studio 2008
- Crystal Report for Visual Studio 2008 (Version 10.5)
- There are known issues when using the CR .NET SDK in IIS 7 integrated pipeline mode.
- These issues are currently under investigation.
- Go to the IIS console on server, right click on the application pool in which the application is deployed, go to 'Basic Properties'.
- Select click the dropdown 'Managed Pipeline Mode' and select Classic, click OK.
- Go to the Advanced settings of the same Application Pool
- Enable 64 bit application.
- Run the application.
'u2lcom.dll.dll', missing, Barcode, dot net , KBA , BI-DEV-NET , BI Software Development Kits (SDKs) - .NET or Other , Problem
SAP Crystal Reports, version for Visual Studio .NET 2008