- Dashboard fails to filter data when query consists of Universe level prompts
- When Universe level defined filters with @prompt function are used Dashboard fails to filter data
Dashboard Design SP02
Reproducing the Issue
1) Create a Qaaws query based on e-fashion using objects Category ,Lines,Color ,Unit Price.
2) Choose the filter Prompt for a Line Item which uses @prompt function as filter objects in Query
3) Publish the query and import it in Dashboard Design.
4) Map the filter to a cell for e.g.:- containing value “Jackets “and result objects. Choose the option refresh before components are loaded
5) Preview the Dashboard and check the results
6) Comparison from Qaaws and Dashboard , it seems dashboard fails to filter the data for Jackets and returns the data for all Lines.
The issue has been identified and logged under Problem Report ID ADAPT01644402
This issue is addressed in Dashboard Design SP06.
KBA , BI-RA-XL , Obsolete: BusinessObjects Dashboards and Presentation Design , Problem