You have created a Material with a Base UoM and later decided to change it to another value. When you change the Base UoM in General tab of a Material, the Unit of Measure is not changeable in Logistics, Planning, Availability Confirmation, and Valuation.
Reproducing the Issue
- Go to Product Data work center.
- Select Materials view.
- Search and Edit the Material.
- Change the Base UoM in the General tab.
But the UoM is changed in Logistics, Planning, Availability Confirmation, and Valuation.
1. Once you activate the Base UoM for Logistics, Planning, Availability Confirmation, and Valuation, then it is not possible to change the value.
2. Even if you maintain Quantity Conversion, that will not work for Planning activity of the Material. Since it is a master data and might have used in Bill Of Material.
The system works as designed.
The possible workaround is to create a New material with same type and deactivate the previous material.
KBA , SRD-MD-PRD-PRD , Product , Product Enhancement