- Unable to execute a scheduled job from the DS management console or from the command line using the .bat file.
- The AL_RWJobLauncherLog.txt log file in the %LINK_DIR%/log shows the following errors:
10_25_2012 18:52:01 CRWJobLauncherApp::InitInstance called.
10_25_2012 18:52:01 *** RWJL_EXIT called <180009 : Invalid command line syntax. (BODI-1250107)>
10_25_2012 18:52:01 *** The 'INET ADDR' "D:/logpath/JobServer/" is invalid. Please enter an address with the following format: "inet:foo:3010". (BODI-1250125)
Command line syntax:c ["inet addr"] ["server log path"] [-w] [-s] [-t] [-v] [-C] [-S] "inet addr" : Inet address (in quotes). For example: "inet:foo:3010". "server log path" : Path to log
directory for server (in quotes). -w : Execute the job and wait for it to complete. The -s option (below) is implicitly included. -tnnn : nnn = The time in milliseconds that the Job Server waits
before checking a job's status. -s : Return exit status ofa the last job executed (unless server error, then return status of request). Note: Combine -w, -s, and -t to execute the job,
wait for completion and return the status. -v : Print AL_RWJobLauncher version number -S "server group" : Lists the server group and Job Servers it contains using the following syntax:
"server group name;server name:server host:server port[;server name:server host:server port][...]" -C "file name" : Name of the engine command file (path to a file which contains the command line
arguments to be sent to the engine).JOB LAUNCHER ERRORS: 180002 : Network failure. (BODI-1250100) 180003 : Schedule service has not been started. (BODI-1250101) 180004 : Link_Dir is not defined.
(BODI-1250102) 180005 : Trace Message file could not be created. (BODI-1250103) 180006 : Error Message file could not be created. (BODI-1250104) 180007 : GUID not found. Status cannot be
returned. (BODI-1250105) 180008 : No command line arguments were found (causing this dialog). (BODI-1250106) 180009 : Invalid command line syntax. (BODI-1250107) 180010 : Can't open command file
(see -C option). (BODI-1250108)
Data Services 3.x
KBA , EIM-DS-ODP , SAP ERP Extractors , Problem
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