You have received the new Business ByDesign system with Initial User but you are not able to create a New Service Agent from Business Configuration work center.
Reproducing the Issue
- Go to Business Configuration work center.
- Select Implementation projects view.
- Select Open Activity List button.
- Go to Prepare Phase.
- Select Define Key Users of the Project activity.
- Select Create Service Agent button.
System throws below error message Target UI cannot be determined in current scope
In order to create a New Service Agent, you need to close the activity Confirm Milestone:Design accepted in the Implementation Project. This will assign the work center Business Partner Data to SAP_INITUSER and will allow SAP_INITUSER to create service agents.
This process will take some minutes to enable the authorization to SAP_INITUSER to create the service agents.
Refer also to the documentation Complete the Activity List : First Implementation in the SAP Business ByDesign Library. An except: Confirm Milestone: Design Accepted.
You cannot move on to the next phases of the Activity List until you have confirmed this milestone.
Note: Once the Service Agent is creation is complete, the Initial User will be locked automatically by the system and cannot be used anymore
KBA , new service agent , business configuration , target ui cannot be determined , AP-RC-BCT , Business Config. Tools (SAP Business ByDesign , Product Enhancement