SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

1781056 - Unable to Create Service Agents in Prepare Phase Activity


You have received the new Business ByDesign system with Initial User but you are not able to create a New Service Agent from Business Configuration work center.

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to Business Configuration work center.
  2. Select Implementation projects view.
  3. Select Open Activity List button.
  4. Go to Prepare Phase.
  5. Select Define Key Users of the Project activity.
  6. Select Create Service Agent button.

System throws below error message Target UI cannot be determined in current scope


In order to create a New Service Agent, you need to close the activity Confirm Milestone:Design accepted in the Implementation Project. This will assign the work center Business Partner Data to SAP_INITUSER and will allow SAP_INITUSER to create service agents.

This process will take some minutes to enable the authorization to SAP_INITUSER to create the service agents.

Refer also to the documentation Complete the Activity List : First Implementation in the SAP Business ByDesign Library. An except: Confirm Milestone: Design Accepted.

You cannot move on to the next phases of the Activity List until you have confirmed this milestone.

Note: Once the Service Agent is creation is complete, the Initial User will be locked automatically by the system and cannot be used anymore


KBA , new service agent , business configuration , target ui cannot be determined , AP-RC-BCT , Business Config. Tools (SAP Business ByDesign , Product Enhancement


SAP Business ByDesign all versions ; SAP Cloud for Customer add-ins all versions