You have upgraded your Oracle database version, or changed the directory structure on which it is installed. When you try to add the Oracle resource to the cluster group it fails with the error below:
FS-10890: Oracle Services for MSCS failed during the get_data operation.
FS-10153: Failed trying to query database information for <SID>.[<WORLD.>]
FS-10061:Unable to find the corresponding Oracle Net Service name <SID>.[<WORLD.>]
- Oracle Database 10g or 11g
- Oracle Failsafe
- Windows Cluster - MSCS or Failover Cluster
- Database upgraded or with installation location changed
ofs, mscs, failsafe, fail, clustergroup, failover, fail, over, fs-10890, fs-10153, fs-10061 , KBA , BC-DB-ORA , Oracle , BC-OP-NT , Windows , Problem
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