While exploring an infospace in Explorer you clicked "Add Calculation" in the measures facet. When you revisit this infospace, or add it to a view set, this new calculation is missing.
Reproducing the Issue
- Explore an infospace
- Click "Add Calculation..." in the measures list.
- Create the calculation and click OK
- Either close the infospace or create a view set and then close the infospace.
- Upon reopening the infospace, whether by directly opening it or using the view set you created, the added calculation is now missing.
Adding a calculation while exploring the infospace is a temporary change. It does not get saved into the infospace.
If you wish to make the change permanent you will need to use 'Manage Spaces' and edit the infospace. You can add the same calculations here and then save them.
KBA , BI-RA-EXP , Obsolete: Polestar, Explorer , How To
SAP Crystal Reports 2011