In a dual stack installation (ABAP+JAVA), language Chinese (Hong Kong) can't be saved in UME. It will be replaced by language Chinese (Taiwan).
This KBA is only for release below. For the version 710 and above, the solution is different.
- Netweaver Application Server Java 7.0
Netweaver Application Server Java 7.01
Netweaver Application Server Java 7.02
UME language Chinese Hong Kong Taiwan Translation dual stack zh-HK zh-TW zh ABAP ZH ZF SU01 Identity Mangement user management user profile logon login language preference portal 700 710 7.0x dual stack installation J2EE engine NWA , KBA , BC-JAS-SEC-UME , User Management Engine , BC-I18 , Internationalization (I18N) , How To
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