- Not using the locale setting
- Does GAC support UTF8 code page?
- Data is being coerced to <Unicode (UTF-16)>
- Supported code pages for Data Quality transforms
- Why is the transform changing the data to UTF16?
- Can double-byte data be processed by the GAC transform?
- Trace logs are showing a message that the data is being converted to UTF-16
- Can UTF-8 data be processed through the Global Address Cleanse (GAC) transform?
- Which code pages does the USA Regulatory Address Cleanse (URAC) transform support?
- Why are the Data Quality transforms changing engine code page to UTF-16 when environment is set as UTF-8?
- The specified locale <eng_us.cp1252> has been coerced to <Unicode (UTF-16)> for data flow <test_GlobalAddressCleanse> because it contains a Data Quality transform.
SAP Data Services
DQM, locale , urac , gac , geocode , geocoder , conversion , utf16 , utf8 , iso , iso8859 , iso-8859 , 1252 , cp-1252 , bods , ds , dq , intl , international , codepage , pages , local , regional , settings , language , eng_us.cp1252 , language pack , english , latin-1 , latin1 , shift_jis , shift jis , us-ascii , ascii , unicode , format , file_format , file format , cp1252 , cp1250 , cp1251 , cp1253 , cp1254, cp1255 , cp1256 , cp1257 , iso88591 , iso88592 , iso88595, iso88597 , iso88599 , iso88598 , iso88596 , iso88594 , encodings , standard , iso 3166-1 , iso 639-2/T , chinese , japanese , native , kanji , windows-1250 , windows-1251 , ansi , cyrillic , slavic , turkish , latin-5 , latin5 , windows-1254 , hebrew , windows-1255 , arabic , windows-1256 , baltic rim , windows-1257 , vietnamese , windows-1258 , , iso2022cn , arabic , korean , big endian , little endian , utf-16be , utf-16le , coerce , coercing , , KBA , EIM-DS , Data Services , Problem
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