You try to create a supplier credit by creating New Charge/Credit, after you specify the key information,as well as the G/L Account, the system gives error message: Account determination group XYZ missing account determination. But you check the account determination for this account determination group, and confirm that it's maintained.
Reproducing the Issue
- Go to the Payables work center, and choose the Suppliers view.
- Select the Supplier Accounts View.
- Select the Supplier Accounts subview.
- Select a supplier and choose View.
- Choose New Charge/Credit.
- In the New Charge/Credit screen, enter the required information.
- In the Charge/Credit field, select type 4 - Supplier Credit.
- In the Line Items table, choose Add Row.
- In the drop-down list of the G/L Account field, select XYZ, and then Post.
The system gives error message that account determination is missing for this G/L account XYZ.
The drop-down list of G/L Account does not consist of a list of real G/L accounts, but of a list of account determination groups, which are assigned to the desired G/L accounts. As there are several companies in the system, each company has a different Set of Books with dedicated Account Determination Profile, and you do not maintain account determination for the company in question, so the system gives error message.
In order to fix the issue, follow the steps below:
- First of all, check the Company of the Supplier Account.
- Then go to the Set of Books activity, and check the assignment of the Company in question.
- Take a note of the Account Determination Profile assigned to the Related Set of Books.
- Then go to the Chart of Accounts, Financial Reporting Structure, Account Determination Fine-Tune activity, choose Edit Account Determination Group.
- Find the Account Determination Group (G/L Account) XYZ you select on the New Charge/Credit, for example, assume it's under General Ledger/ Groups for Other Liabilities.
- Then under Account Determination, choose General Ledger.
- Select the concerned Account Determination Profile.
- Then navigate to the Others tab.
- Select 4 - Other Liabilities.
- Add Row, and then maintain a record for the account determination group XYZ.
You should be able to post the Supplier Credit this time.
KBA , new charge/credit , supplier credit , payables , account determination group , account determination , SRD-FIN-ACP , Payables , How To