SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

1788082 - Leading space is trimmed when reporting off an XML file in Crystal Reports


  • Incorrect output in Crystal Reports
  • Leading space on the left hand side is being trimmed


Crystal Reports 2008 Service Pack (SP) 5

Reproducing the Issue

  • Create a report using an XML and corresponding XSD files as data source where the data contains a space on the left hand side of the values
  • Observe the result in Crystal Report


This has been identified as a potential bug and escalated to Product Group under reference number ADAPT01672920.


Upon investigation by Product Group, it was found that if the leading space is retained on the left , the left aligned data in table may not be aligned anymore because some data may have more leading space while some may have less leading space . This in turn may cause some customers’ reports distortion with data source that has some leading space. Moreover, any changes made would be at the CR Processing engine (CRPE) and the main concern is such fundamental a change will affect every layer of CRPE, e.g. formula, grouping, totaller, summary, formatter etc. There will be many places to add this ‘changed’ logic and if it’s missing in any place, there will be inconsistency in the processing engine which in turn may lead to unexpected issues. Hence it was decided that it's too risky a change for customers and trimming leading space (on the left) would be retained.

The workaround would be to try and differentiate between the invoices using a different unique key.


KBA , BI-RA-CR , Crystal Reports designer or Business View Manager , Bug Filed


SAP Crystal Reports, version for Visual Studio .NET 2005