- Trying to manually run the addnode command.
- Copied the addnode command and all arguments and pasted them into the command prompt.
- Addnode command appears to run successfully most of the way. Errors at the end.
- Error: "Cannot connect to CMS"
- In the arguments passed, things will not look right - for example: "argv[15] = ûupdate".
- Error: "Using install infoobject: Install1. Cannot create Server Intelligence Agent. There is already a bootstrap file "BOE install directory\win64_x64\_boe_SIA_NODE_NAME.bootstrap" on this machine for a SIA with the name SIA_NODE_NAME. Stopping CMS... AddNode aborted due to errors."
Data Services 4.x
SAP Data Services all versions
DSXI, BODS, addnode.bat, , KBA , EIM-DS , Data Services , Problem
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