- Cannot see any customized report or folder under SPM UI groups
- Unable to transport Customized tree of SPM reports in SPM 3.0 environment from DEV-QA-PROD systems.
- Custom Tree reports are not getting transported into Quality
- Reports missing in group folders
- The Reports are missing in the production system where the ADMIN / Local users of the groups are not able to see the pre existing reports
- Nothing gets assigned to transport request and imported into target system
- No import is possible from the Prod system.
- No error message is shown
- Transport request remains empty after export.
SAP Spend Performance Management (SPM) 3.0
SAP NetWeaver 7.3 ; SAP Spend Performance Management 3.0
SPM3.0; group folder reports; group; folder; reports; transport by guid; /POS/R_PST_TRS_CUST_CTN; R_PST_TRS_CUST_CTN EPM, SAP SA, SAP SPEND PERFORMANCE MGMT, SAP Spend Performance Management, SAP Spend Analytics, SPM, EPM-SA, SAP BOBJ SPEND PERF MGMT, jmhiv2016e, SAP BusinessObjects Spend Performance Management , KBA , EPM-SA , Spend Analytics , How To
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