You run a planning profile in transaction /SAPAPO/PE_RUN and when you check the resulting application log with transaction /SAPAPO/PE_LOG_DISP, you see the following errors:
- "Product/location XYZ: Inconsistent historical data in period 20120101"
- "Error when saving LC forecast"
- "Multi-level error propagation carried out"
- "Order has incorrect requirements quantity"
- "PSM terminated after error in service STORAGE_SERVICE"
- SAP Supply Chain Management (SCM) - release independent
- Service Parts Planning (SPP) - Forecasting
inconsistency, historical, data, period, forecast, demand, weighting, factor, trend, model, negative, spp, service parts planning, SCM, APO, PSM , KBA , recalculate historical forecast errors , order has incorrect requirements quantit , error when saving lc forecast , inconsistent historical data in period , multi-level propagation carried out , error in service storage_service , /sapapo/pe_log_disp errors , SCM-APO-SPP-SFC , Service Parts Forecasting , SCM-APO-SPP , Service Parts Planning , Problem
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