- VMC is not activated when starting the instance.
- SM52 shows status "VMC is not loaded"
- You can see in dev_disp trace file :
DpVmcSetActive: set vmc state DP_VMC_NOT_ACTIVE
*** ERROR => DpVmcInit2: could not link vmc [dpxxvmc.c 288]
The complete error can only be found in any of the stderr*.log files as the trace layer is not yet active at this time. And it looks like
DpVmcInit: vm lib loaded
VMC_LinkJVMLib: Version mismatch (vmc/vm 168/132)
*** ERROR => VmcJLinkJVMLib2: didn't get vm environment [vmcjxx.c 942]
*** ERROR => VmcJLinkJVMLib2: version mismatch between container and vm [vmcjxx.c 943]
*** ERROR => VmcJLinkJVMLib2: container version is 168 [vmcjxx.c 944]
*** ERROR => DpVmcInit: ThLinkJVMLib() failed with rc = 18 [dpxxvmc.c 241]
*** ERROR => DpMain: DpVmcInit failed [dpxxdisp.c 1020]
Systems with VMC active
SM52 Could not link VMC , VMC not working, unable to activate VMC, VMC not active. , KBA , BC-VMC , Virtual Machine Container , How To
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