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1795189 - Central Management Server (CMS) and all other BO Services will not start.


When you start SIA it will go back to stop state immediately.

In the CMS logs we could see followng error message:
.\OracleDatabase.cpp:117: TraceLog message 1
2012/10/22 18:08:37.596|>>|A| | 5272|3388| |||||||||||||||assert failure: (.\OracleDatabase.cpp:117). (0 : Programmer error: OCI_INVALID_HANDLE).

Apply trace on Central Configuration Manager by right click on its shortcut and go to properties in the command line at the end type -trace, Apply and Ok and run CCM, in <BusinessObjects Install DIR>\Business Objects Enterprise 12.0\logging folder trace logs with name SvcMgr will populate, following messages were observed in these logs.

OracleDatabase.cpp:117: TraceLog message 2
2012/10/22 17:53:25.971|>>|A| | 4360|5176| |||||||||||||||assert failure: (.\OracleDatabase.cpp:117). (0 : Programmer error: OCI_INVALID_HANDLE).
d:\titan_fp_sp3_rel\src\framework\dbutilities\dbutils_lib\subsysmgrhelper.h:170: TraceLog message 3
2012/10/22 17:53:25.976|>>|A| | 4360|5176| |||||||||||||||assert failure: (d:\titan_fp_sp3_rel\src\framework\dbutilities\dbutils_lib\subsysmgrhelper.h:170). (false : DBUtils::Subsystem Init: Failed to init subsystem manager. Reason: CDatabase::Open failure.).
.\OracleDatabase.cpp:117: TraceLog message 4
d:\titan_fp_sp3_rel\src\framework\dbutilities\dbutils_lib\subsysmgrhelper.h:170: TraceLog message 6
2012/10/22 17:56:25.423|>>|A| | 4360|5176| |||||||||||||||assert failure: (d:\titan_fp_sp3_rel\src\framework\dbutilities\dbutils_lib\subsysmgrhelper.h:170). (false : DBUtils::Subsystem Init: Failed to init subsystem manager. Reason: CDatabase::Open failure.).
.\OracleDatabase.cpp:117: TraceLog message 7



  • SAP BusinessObjects XI 3.1
  • Supported Windows Server


SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform 4.0 ; SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform 4.0, feature pack 3 ; SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.1


cms 3.1 oracle failed, not getting started, crashed, jre jdk update , KBA , BI-BIP-ADM , BI Servers, security, Crystal Reports in Launchpad , Problem

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