When you start SIA it will go back to stop state immediately.
In the CMS logs we could see followng error message:
.\OracleDatabase.cpp:117: TraceLog message 1
2012/10/22 18:08:37.596|>>|A| | 5272|3388| |||||||||||||||assert failure: (.\OracleDatabase.cpp:117). (0 : Programmer error: OCI_INVALID_HANDLE).
Apply trace on Central Configuration Manager by right click on its shortcut and go to properties in the command line at the end type -trace, Apply and Ok and run CCM, in <BusinessObjects Install DIR>\Business Objects Enterprise 12.0\logging folder trace logs with name SvcMgr will populate, following messages were observed in these logs.
OracleDatabase.cpp:117: TraceLog message 2
2012/10/22 17:53:25.971|>>|A| | 4360|5176| |||||||||||||||assert failure: (.\OracleDatabase.cpp:117). (0 : Programmer error: OCI_INVALID_HANDLE).
d:\titan_fp_sp3_rel\src\framework\dbutilities\dbutils_lib\subsysmgrhelper.h:170: TraceLog message 3
2012/10/22 17:53:25.976|>>|A| | 4360|5176| |||||||||||||||assert failure: (d:\titan_fp_sp3_rel\src\framework\dbutilities\dbutils_lib\subsysmgrhelper.h:170). (false : DBUtils::Subsystem Init: Failed to init subsystem manager. Reason: CDatabase::Open failure.).
.\OracleDatabase.cpp:117: TraceLog message 4
d:\titan_fp_sp3_rel\src\framework\dbutilities\dbutils_lib\subsysmgrhelper.h:170: TraceLog message 6
2012/10/22 17:56:25.423|>>|A| | 4360|5176| |||||||||||||||assert failure: (d:\titan_fp_sp3_rel\src\framework\dbutilities\dbutils_lib\subsysmgrhelper.h:170). (false : DBUtils::Subsystem Init: Failed to init subsystem manager. Reason: CDatabase::Open failure.).
.\OracleDatabase.cpp:117: TraceLog message 7
- SAP BusinessObjects XI 3.1
- Supported Windows Server
cms 3.1 oracle failed, not getting started, crashed, jre jdk update , KBA , BI-BIP-ADM , BI Servers, security, Crystal Reports in Launchpad , Problem
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