- Performing a BI4.0 Full build install on Windows 2008 platform with a External SQL Server Database
- The install succeeds, however the logs indicate that Waitforcms phase of the install maybe needlessly waiting for around 30 minutes connecting to a database it hasn’t created yet.
- This is observed on installs conducted with External CMS Database (MS Sqlserver) only.
- This observation is based on the install logs
- The wait for cmslogon.jar command executed is including the password for the administrator account provided at the beginning of the installation.
However, at that particular time of the installation the administrator account has no password in the CMS database - The wait for CMS script is executed every few seconds for up to 1800 seconds and will fail continually until it times out.
- Issue has been on installations using an external SQLServer database and installed on non-default (D:\ drive) location.
- Below are excerpts from install logs captured.
- For about 1200 seconds, the installer tries to connect to the CMS and keeps failing.
19:05:23.474 NativeActionExecutor: calling action entry point.
19:05:23.521 2012/12/07, 07:05:23: Starting WaitForCMS
19:05:23.553 2012/12/07, 07:05:23: Connecting to CMS using existing CMS password
19:05:23.553 2012/12/07, 07:05:23: Waiting for CMS to start...
19:05:23.553 2012/12/07, 07:05:23: cmdLine: ["D:\Program Files (x86)\SAP BusinessObjects\SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 4.0\win64_x64\sapjvm\bin\java.exe" -Dtracelog.logdir="D:\Program Files (x86)\SAP BusinessObjects\SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 4.0\Logging\\" -jar "D:\Program Files (x86)\SAP BusinessObjects\\SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 4.0\java\lib\cmslogon.jar" "BI4SP4:6400" Administrator "********" secEnterprise "D:\\Program Files (x86)\\SAP BusinessObjects\\SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 4.0\\Logging\\\\\\waitforcms.log"]
19:05:42.834 2012/12/07, 07:05:42: RunRedistProgram: return value 2
19:05:42.834 2012/12/07, 07:05:42: CMS is up, but cannot log on to CMS. Incorrect credentials might be provided. Trying again...
19:05:42.834 2012/12/07, 07:05:42: ... waited for 0 seconds ...
19:06:26.068 2012/12/07, 07:06:26: RunRedistProgram: return value 2
19:06:26.068 2012/12/07, 07:06:26: CMS is up, but cannot log on to CMS. Incorrect credentials might be provided. Trying again...
does this for 30 minutes...
Trying again...
19:34:03.693 2012/12/07, 07:34:03: ... waited for 1200 seconds ...
19:34:33.693 2012/12/07, 07:34:33: CMS is up, but cannot log on to CMS. Giving up.
19:34:33.693 NativeActionExecutor: restoring path.
19:34:33.693 NativeActionExecutor: entry point returned successfully.
19:34:33.709 Error: *** Action failed.
continues with the insall...
SAP BusinessObjects BI 4.0 SP4 (full build install)
Microsoft Windows 2008
Microsoft SQL SERVER 2008 64-bit
SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform 4.0
BI4 SP4 SP6 install waitforcms time waste efficient , KBA , BI-BIP-INS , Installation, Updates, Upgrade, Patching , BI-BIP-DEP , Webapp Deployment, Networking, Vulnerabilities, Webservices , Bug Filed
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