- Migrating from Business Objects Enterprise 3.1 to SBOP Business Intelligence 4.0 using UMT throws error.
- UMT logs are observed as below:
Logging on to source CMS...
Logging on to destination CMS...
Querying source system for objects requiring parameters...
Preparing for object retrieval...
Retrieving objects...
Step "Preparing objects" started.
Preparing 495 objects. Prepared:
Step finished.
495 of 495 objects attempted. 0 failed.
Step "Updating objects" started.
Updating 495 objects. Updated:
136 MigrationException$ThrowableWrapper:
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no JupUnvConvJni in java.library.path
Source Environment:
- SAP Business Objects Enterprise XI 3.1 Service Pack 3
- RHEL Linux
Destination Environment:
- SAP Business Intelligence 4.0 Support Package 4 (Including Feature Pack 3)
- RHEL Linux (64-bit)
JupUnvConvJni in java.library.path , UMT, upgrade, Live to Live, Linux, RHEL, , KBA , BI-BIP-DEP , Webapp Deployment, Networking, Vulnerabilities, Webservices , Problem
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