During the configuration of AS Provisioning (Application Server Provisioning) this error message appears:
No valid release configuration found. Go to "Setup ->
Extended Settings -> System and AS Provisioning
Configuration" and create a suitable release configuration
with an assigned path to the installation DVD.
If one goes to "AS Provisioning Configuration" not all releases can be found.
The list of Release Versions contains not all existing versions.
- SAP Landscape Virtualization Management 1.0, enterprise edition
- SAP Landscape Virtualization Management 2.0, enterprise edition
No valid release configuration found, AS Provisioning Configuration, add-on to SAP NetWeaver 7.3, NW 7.3, Landscape Virtualization Management (LVM), NO right release found, SAP NetWeaver Landscape Virtualization Management , KBA , warning: , warning:no , warning , BC-VCM-LVM , Landscape Virtualization Management , Problem
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