- Java UFLs functions are not visible in the Crystal Reports Designer Formula Editor.
- How to make a Java UFL available in Crystal Reports Designer?
- SAP Crystal Reports 2011
- SAP Crystal Reports 2013
- SAP Crystal Reports 2016
- SAP Crystal Reports 2020
Reproducing the Issue
- Start Crystal Reports Designer
- Create a new blank Report
- Create a new Formula
- Could not find Custom Java UFL in Formula Editor
Crystal Reports Designer is not configured for Java UFL
Important steps to follow:
- Copy Java UFL jar to “C:\Program Files\SAP BusinessObjects\Crystal Reports 2011\java\lib\”
- Create a System Environment Variable "JAVA_HOME"
Variable: JAVA_HOME
Value: C:\Program Files\SAP BusinessObjects\SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 4.0\win32_x86\jdk - Create the System Environment Variable "CLASSPATH"
Both the java runtime classes and u211java.jar as well as any UFL classes used need to be on the classpath. - All jar file need to be included in CLASSPATH below:
C:\Program Files\SAP BusinessObjects\Crystal Reports 2011\java\lib\external\
C:\Program Files\SAP BusinessObjects\SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 4.0\java\lib\external
C:\Program Files\SAP BusinessObjects\Crystal Reports 2011\java\lib
eg. set classpath=C:\Program Files\SAP BusinessObjects\Crystal Reports 2011\java\lib\external\commons-collections-3.1.jar;C:\Program Files\SAP BusinessObjects\Crystal Reports 2011\java\lib\external\commons-configuration-1.2.jar;C:\Program Files\SAP BusinessObjects\Crystal Reports 2011\java\lib\external\commons-lang-2.1.jar;C:\Program Files\SAP BusinessObjects\Crystal Reports 2011\java\lib\external\commons-logging.jar;C:\Program Files\SAP BusinessObjects\Crystal Reports 2011\java\lib\external\icu4j.jar;C:\Program Files\SAP BusinessObjects\SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 4.0\java\lib\external\log4j.jar;C:\Program Files\SAP BusinessObjects\Crystal Reports 2011\java\lib\CrystalFormulas.jar;C:\Program Files\SAP BusinessObjects\Crystal Reports 2011\java\lib\CrystalReportingCommon.jar;C:\Program Files\SAP BusinessObjects\Crystal Reports 2011\java\lib\u211java.jar;C:\Program Files\SAP BusinessObjects\Crystal Reports 2011\java\lib\regressionUFL.jar;C:\Program Files\SAP BusinessObjects\Crystal Reports 2011\java\lib\CrystalReportsSDK.jar
- Add the following String Value at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\SAP BusinessObjects\Suite XI 4.0\Crystal Reports
Value name: JREPath
Value data: JREPath needs to point to a 32 bit JDK. e.g. C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.8.0_121\jre\bin\client\jvm.dll
Value name: JavaUFLLogging
Value data: <your_jufllog_dir>
Note that for Crystal report 2020 it is 64bit application, it require the 64 bit JDK or JRE. - Edit CRConfig.xml
The CRConfig.xml is located in <install_dir>\SAP BusinessObjects\SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 4.0\java. To configure your very own Java UFLs, simply place the fully qualified java class names of your libraries between the <classname> tags under the <ExternalFunctionLibraryClassNames> tag, one class name per tag.
For Example,
</ExternalFunctionLibraryClassNames> - Start CR Designer. Change the UFL Support to “Java UFL's Only” by “File->Options->Formula Editor”
- Restart CR Designer. Now you can see your own functions in Formula Workshop.
KBA , BI-RA-CR , Crystal Reports designer or Business View Manager , How To
Crystal Reports XI - Java User-Defined Function Libraries (UFL)_0_.pdf |