- When trying to index an information space against a HANA database with SSO enabled it fails.
- The failure details show the following:
- {{PS_50308_DATA_SOURCE_PROVIDER_EXCEPTION}} (com.businessobjects.datadiscovery.dataproviderapi.DataSourceProviderException: com.businessobjects.datadiscovery.dataprovider.newdb.utilities.impl.NestedSQLException: An error occurred while extracting GSS credentials from the connection context.)
- SSO tests ok and failure only occurs when indexing
- SAP BI Platform 4.0 SP4 Patch 6 as well as SP5 and SP6
- SAP Explorer 4.0 SP4 Patch 6
- HANA 1.0 SP5
SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform 4.0
KBA , BI-RA-EXP , Obsolete: Polestar, Explorer , BI-BIP-AUT , Authentication, ActiveDirectory, LDAP, SSO, Vintela , Bug Filed
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