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1805249 - Inplace and outplace display configurations for Microsoft Office documents in Internet Explorer


  • Microsoft Office type Business documents not displayed inside the Document Viewer (HTML-Control) or Internet Explorer window, instead of it a "File download" pop-up will be displayed or the document will be opened in the corresponding Microsoft Office application
  • Microsoft Office type Business documents displayed inside the Document Viewer (HTML-Control) or the Internet Explorer window, instead of it a "File download" pop-up would be expected or the document should be opened lunching the corresponding Microsoft Office application
  • The display settings are maintained in such a way (the basic settings in the transaction OAG1 and the display protocol in the transaction OAA3), that the document will be displayed with HTML-Control or Call Internet Browser for Windows GUI.



  • SAP NetWeaver
  • Release independent


in-place, out-place, excel, word, powerpoint, doc, xls, ptt, docx, xlsx, pptx , KBA , BC-SRV-ARL , ArchiveLink , BC-SRV-ARL-VIE , ArchiveLink Viewer , How To

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