- Once a document is created, it's not possible to retrospectively add other Universe objects to the dataset.
- SAP Visual Intelligence 1.0.7
Reproducing the Issue
- Launch Visual Intelligence and create a new document based off a universe.
- Select one dimension and one measure, and click Acquire.
- Start the analysis.
- Try to add more objects to the same analysis, by using Data > Edit Source..., but it's not possible to invoked the Query Panel.
- This behaviour is expected - this functionality hasn't been implemented yet.
- This product enhancement is tracked by reference HILODKTP1-2838, and is currently targeted for release 1.0.8 (but may be subject to change).
edit query for universe data sources cannot add dimensions measures unv additional , KBA , BI-LUM-DIS , Lumira Desktop/Discovery , Product Enhancement
SAP Lumira, desktop edition 1.0