When a SAP BW application server is not able to communicate with RFC server the following messages may be logged in Data Services 14.0:
ERRNO 10053
ERRNO TEXT WSAECONNABORTED: Software caused connection abort
ERRNO 10060
ERRNO TEXT WSAETIMEDOUT: Connection timed out
<Date><Time>[ INFO ] RFC Server connection null catched
java.lang.Exception: Server startup failed at <Date><Time>.
This is caused by either a) erroneous server settings, b) the backend
system has been shutdown, c) network problems. Will try next startup in
1 seconds.
Could not start server: Connect to SAP gateway failed
SAP Data Services 14.0 SP3 and higher.
BODI, BODS, DSXI, DI, DS, WSAECONNABORTED, time out, RFC Server, startup, DS console, RFC function , KBA , EIM-DS , Data Services , Problem
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