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1806019 - PCM: In a grid the CostObjectValue summary is correct but manualy adding the items dosent match


A grid with a summarised “CostObjectValue” column will display the correct summarised value but when you manually add up rows that makeup that total it doesn’t match. In the following example 47.55 is the correct summarised value but manually adding 37.55 + 0.00 + 0.00 doesn’t give the correct matching answer.

Symptom #01.png



  • SAP Profitability Cost Management (PCM) v7.5, v10.0


SAP Profitability and Cost Management 10.0 ; SAP Profitability and Cost Management 7.5


KBA , EPM-PCM-MOD , Model Builder , EPM-PCM-BOK , Book Viewer , Problem

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