When you try to Check or Activate an Organizational Structure, system throws below error message:
Timeline of Org Unit XYZ should be changed in future only
Activation failed; resolve all errors
SAP Business ByDesign
Reproducing the Issue
- Go to Organizational Management work center.
- Select Edit button or Select Edit Org Structures under Common Tasks.
- Highlight the Org Unit or Org Structure.
- Select Check All or Activate All option.
The cause for the issue is might be because, that you are try to extend the Valid From date of the Org Unit XYZ to a past date. For Example: If the Valid From date of the Org Unit XYZ is 01.01.2013 and if you to change the date to 31.12.2012 or any earlier dates, then the system ends up with above issue.
To resolve the issue, change the Valid From date of Org Unit XYZ to the initial date which was used during last activation . This can be performed in the Planning Area and in the Timelines tab of the Org Unit XYZ.
- Go to Organizational Management work center.
- Select Edit Org Structures.
- Select the Org unit and Go to Tab Timelines.
- Change the Valid From date to the initial date which was used during last activation and press Enter key in the keyboard.
See Also
You can also refer below documents:
KBA , SRD-MD-OM , Organizational Management , Product Enhancement