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1807388 - Error: "Failed to generate atl file" while opening a job - FIM


When opening a FIM job, you have the following error:

'Failed to generate atl file Failed to connect to the dataservicese_server system with URL http...<webservices wsdl>'

Log file representation:

Failed to generate ATL file: Error during the action: 'Add job-user entries' - while executing an SQL statement against the 'FIM_JOB_TO_USER' table. Error during the action: 'Add job-user entries' - while executing an SQL statement against the 'FIM_JOB_TO_USER' table.
org.springframework.dao.DataIntegrityViolationException: PreparedStatementCallback; SQL [INSERT INTO "FIM_JOB_TO_USER" ("JOB_NAME", "USER_NAME") VALUES (?, ?)]; ORA-00001: Schending van UNIQUE-beperking (UNKNOWN.obj#=14210).
; nested exception is java.sql.SQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException: ORA-00001: Schending van UNIQUE-beperking (UNKNOWN.obj#=14210).




SAP Financial Information Management (FIM) 10.0


SAP Financial Information Management 10.0


oracle, majuscule, minuscule, ora , KBA , 3rd party tools config and system admin , EPM-FIM-DS , Data Services Integration , Problem

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