Installation prerequisite check fails for BI 4.0 on SUSE Linux with following message.
Prerequisite check
Summary of any missing critical or optional prerequisites.
Failed: Integrated database - user and group (Optional)
Information: The user group naming or Kernel Parameter fails one of DB2's restrictions. Please go to and search 'User IDrestrictions' or 'Kernel Parameters' for details.
Succeeded: SAP BusinessObjects BI platform not installed (Critical)
Succeeded: Operating system patch level (Optional)
Succeeded: BI platform server 4.x not present (Critical)
Succeeded: Integrated database - home directory (Optional)
Succeeded: Integrated database - directories (Optional)
Succeeded: Integrated database - gunzip (Optional)
Succeeded: Disk space in /tmp (Critical)
Succeeded: Integrated database - UID and GID (Optional)
Succeeded: Network settings (Critical)
Succeeded: 64-bit operating system (Critical)
Succeeded: Root user rights (Critical)
- SAP BusinessObjects BI 4.0
- SUSE Linux
KBA , BI-BIP-DEP , Webapp Deployment, Networking, Vulnerabilities, Webservices , Problem
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