The date configured from the Bar Code Maintenance window in Configurator prints on the barcode in a different display format. POS configurator is set to print the date in the 16th position of the barcode number with a character length of 5
- For example, a POS return bar code that was printed on 1/2/2013 shows the date as 15707:
SAP Point of Sale (All Versions)
SAP Point-of-Sale 1.0 ; SAP Point-of-Sale 2.0 ; SAP Point-of-Sale 2.1 ; SAP Point-of-Sale 2.2 ; SAP Point-of-Sale 2.3 ; SAP Point-of-Sale 2.4
XPS, format, scan , KBA , IS-R-TGM-POS , Transactionware GM-POS , How To
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