- You have defined a Business Partner of Standard address in setting HRALX OADBP of view T77S0 so you can get BPs created even if the organizational units do not have any address in HCM.
- But when you check this organizational unit after the integration has been done, you see that it still has no address data in transactions like PPOME, PP01, PPOMA_CRM, PPOMA_EBP, etc.
Business partner integration with organizational units using HRALX OADBP standard address.
T77S0 OADBP OADRE HRALX address org unit HRP1028 distribute , KBA , BC-BMT-OM-ALE , HRMD ALE Distribution , BC-BMT-OM-EBP , HR-SRM ALE, BP & Organizational Management , SRM-EBP-ADM-ORG , Organizational Management , BC-BMT-OM-CRM , HR-CRM ALE, BP & Organizational Management , CRM-MD-ORG , Organizational Management , How To
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