- A dot (.) in source is getting converted into NULL on Teradata side during bulk-loading.
- Period is output as Null when bulk loading to Teradata
- A single dot in the source column is converted to NULL during bulk load
- When doing mload in Teradata, the NULLIF statement is as follows NULLIF <fieldname>=(.) for varchar fields.
- NULLIF statement in mload control file is incorrect.
- How to control the NULLIF statement in the mload .ctl file.
- Teradata Multiload control file is corrupt.
- SAP Data Services
- Teradata
SAP Data Services all versions
BODS, BODI, DS, DI, Edge, bulk load, NVL, bulkloading , KBA , EIM-DS-EXE , Job Execution , EIM-DS , Data Services , Problem
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