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1813565 - MOPZ - Installed Product Instance SAP Learning Sol-Frontend ABAP not assigned! - MOPZ_CHECKS217


  • Creating a Maintenance Optimizer transaction for a system leads to error:

"System XYZ: Installed Product Instance SAP ERP 6.0 SAP Learning Sol-Frontend ABAP not assigned!"

The error message code is MOPZ_CHECKS217.

This error message can appear with any other product instance name.


  • When checking the LMDB entry, product instance "SAP ERP 6.0 SAP Learning Sol-Frontend ABAP" is in the product instance list, with source 'automatic'.
    It is checked with "installed" flag.
  • However, there is no product system assigned for this product instance

Capture LMDB.JPG

  • When deleting this entry, the MOPZ transaction can sometimes be created without problems.
  • When performing the reload of SLD data, the entry "SAP ERP 6.0 SAP Learning Sol-Frontend ABAP" is added again and MOPZ fails again.



Solution Manager 7.1 SP5 or higher - Maintenance Optimizer , LMDB


SAP Solution Manager 7.1


MOPZ_CHECKS217 Installed, Product Instance, not assigned , KBA , SV-SMG-MAI , Maint. Optimzer replaced by Maintenance Planner: BC-UPG-MP , SV-SMG-MAI-FWK , Please use BC-UPG-MP (Maint. Opt. replaced by Maint.Planner) , Problem

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