NOTE: This configuration was used in BI 4.0 when 1st connecting to HANA, since that time SAML is now the preferred method for SSO between BI and HANA see KBA 1900023
When using the configuation in this KBA scheduling is not supported, configuration is much more complex, and the configuration is dependent on 3rd party, and only LDAP users can refresh reports on HANA with SSO. Only 1 OS supported for both BI/HANA. SAML has none of these issues
- BI to be on SUSE 11 linux (same as hana in order for this solution to work)
- Windows AD 2003 or 2008 Domain Controllers
- Hana Database integrated with Active Directory
SP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence Platform 4.0 SP4 or above
zie single sign on sign-on silent automatic logon , KBA , BI-BIP-AUT , Authentication, ActiveDirectory, LDAP, SSO, Vintela , How To
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