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1832801 - Analyzing BW Queries defined on MultiProviders


You have a query defined on a MultiProvider and you face one of the following problems:

  • A query unexpectedly does not access a certain PartProvider.
  • A query accesses all PartProviders even though the MultiProvider uses 'pruning' (e.g. RRKMULTIPROVHINT, program RSPP_PART_MAINTAIN).
  • A query does not work any more after changes have been carried out on the system (e.g. SAP note implementation, upgrade, changes to meta data definitions...).
  • A query displays wrong data.



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Multicube, Multi Provider, Infoset, Virtual Cube, Virtualcube , KBA , BW-BEX-OT-OLAP , Analyzing Data , BW-BEX-OT-DBIF , Interface to Database , How To

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