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1833562 - System Exception <ACCESS_VIOLATION> when running Rapid Mart Job in Data Services with recover as unit checked


A Rapid Mart job fails in Data Services displaying an error message in the error log similar to the following:

14.1) 03-11-13 15:55:41 (E) (14324:10976) SYS-170101: |Session Inventory_Load_SAP|Work flow C_PhysicalInventory_Section_SAP|Work flow WF_PhysicalInventory_Dims_SAP|Work flow C_MaterialAltUOM_SAP|Data flow DF_MaterialAltUOM_SAP
                                                       System Exception <ACCESS_VIOLATION> occurred. Process dump option is off. Process is not dumped.
                                                       Call stack:
                                                       RAX=00000000090E1600  RBX=00000000090A22E8  RCX=00000000096CB600  RDX=00000000FFD06D3C  RSI=000000000939B5AC
                                                       RDI=000000000155CD60  RBP=000000000939B5A0  RSP=000000000F86F3B8  RIP=0000000074C6E371  FLG=0000000000010206
                                                       R8=0000000000330056   R9=000000000000000B  R10=0000000008F4CA10  R11=000000000939B5AC  R12=0000000000330052
                                                       R13=000000000000000C  R14=00000000090A22E8  R15=000000000155CD60
                                                       Exception code: C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION
                                                       Fault address:  0000000074C6E371 01:000000000001D371
                                                       Collect the following and send to Customer Support:
                                                       1. Log files(error_*, monitor_*, trace_*) associated with this failed job.
                                                       2. Exported ATL file of this failed job.
                                                       3. DDL statements of tables referenced in this failed job.
                                                       4. Data to populate the tables referenced in the failed job. If not possible, get the last few rows (or sample of them) when
                                                       the job failed.
                                                       5. Core dump, if any, generated from this failed job.



Data Services 4.1
Inventory Rapid Mart


SAP Data Services 4.1


BODS, 14.1, DS, Inventory Rapidmart, recover as unit , KBA , EIM-DS , Data Services , EIM-RMA , Rapid Marts, BOW , Problem

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