Create a follow up business transaction from another CRM business transaction (for example. create a follow up sales order from a quotation). If you have changed the product's data (unit of Measure, net weight, pricing group, etc.) in the source business transaction item, the changed data is not copied to the target business transaction item. Instead, the product data is read from the product master data again.
- SAP Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
- SAP enhancement package for SAP CRM
- SAP enhancement package for SAP CRM, version for SAP HANA
UoM, lost, opportunity, service order, service contract, PRODUCT_I, COPY_PROD_DET_03, CRM_PRODUCT_I_COPY_EC, CRM_COPY_IT_COPY_MA. , KBA , CRM-BTX-BF , Basic Functions for Business Transactions , Problem
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