SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

1839923 - Crystal reports using the font Arial narrow breaks in different character (word wrap)


Text box created in Crystal Reports 2008 using Arial Narrow font will break in different character in the client computer and InfoView. For example:




  • BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.1 SP5
  • Unix operating system

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Create a report in Crystal Reports 2008
  2. Use a text box that force the text to break to the next line
  3. Export it to InfoView
  4. The character break will be different in InfoView


  • Crystal Reports servers use the DPI to calculate the character width.
  • On windows the default DPI setting is always 96 while on Unix it is 300 which is from the system default printer.
  • Therefore the character width is different on Windows and UNIX and the line will break in a different character.


The words breaks to different line on Windows and UNIX. This is by design.


KBA , BI-BIP-CRS , SAP Crystal Server , BI-BIP-ADM , BI Servers, security, Crystal Reports in Launchpad , Problem


Crystal Reports 2008 V1

