The following is a list of notes and articles related to the SAP EPM Add-in for MS Office deployment and configuration questions:
- Default settings for the EPM Add-in
- How to enable logging for the EPM add-in
- How to set/ modify the path of user options file
- BPC MS: EPM Add-in reports performance guidelines
- EPM add-in: Where is the client connections configuration file stored on a Windows XP workstation
- Modify the path of options and connections file (FPMXLClient.dll.config)
- Automatically re-enabling a Microsoft Office add-in when Excel is launched
- How to change the default location for opening or saving reports
- EPM Add-In Connections explained
- Installing the EPM Add-in in slient mode
- How to perform a silent uninstall of the EPM Add-in
- Capturing the EPM Add-in installation / setup log
- How to Capture Performance Logs for EPM Add-in
- How to customize the contents of EPMXLClientPreference.XML for mass deployment and centralized control of various EPM Add-in settings
- How to automatically deploy EPM Add-in connections to users
- EPM add-in: Where is the connections configuration file located on the user's workstation
- How to capture a log of the EPM Add-in Launcher
- EPM Add-in: The underlying connection was closed. Could not establish trust relationship for the SSL/TLS secure channel
- EPM Add-in Limitations
- EPM Add-in Report Size Limitations
- Drill-Through in the SAP EPM Add-in
- EPM Add-in and the requirements for ActiveX Settings for Office Applications
- How to control the default temp path for EPM Add-in server reports via the TempLocalXLClient setting
- How to launch the EPM Add-in automatically from the BPC Web page when using Microsoft Edge
- How to perform Single Sign On (SSO) to BPC using the EPM Add-in
- EPM Add-in backwards compatibility
- Submit Data dialog window is not visible and Excel appears to hang
- EPM Add-in compatibility with the latest Microsoft Office versions
- Memory limit warning message appears when opening large input template / report
- Changing EPM Add-in report connections for multiple workbooks after a moving to a new BPC server
- How to configure the EPM Add-in to suppress warning messages and notifications
- Display related issues in the EPM Add-in
See also:
- 3471793 - Why it is necessary to always use the latest release of the SAP EPM Add-in for Microsoft Office?
- EPM Add-in Central Notes for each Service Pack and Patch
- EPM Add-in Online Help
- SAP EPM Add-in for Microsoft Office
SAP Business Planning and Consolidation 10.0, version for Microsoft ; SAP Business Planning and Consolidation 10.0, version for SAP NetWeaver ; SAP Business Planning and Consolidation 10.1, version for Microsoft ; SAP Business Planning and Consolidation 10.1, version for SAP NetWeaver
EPM ADDIN FAQ, SSO, EPM FAQ, EPM add-in FAQ, Citrix, user profile, roaming profile, roaming profiles, path, %USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Application Data,connection.xml,
%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local, FPMXLClient.dll.config, EPMXLClientPreference.XML, registry keys
, KBA , EPM-XLS , EPM Excel Client , How To
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