- Report with a formula runs as expected in the SAP Crystal Reports Designer
- Same report also runs with no error in a Visual Studio application - on the development system
- Same report runs without error on most deployed systems
- On some deployed systems, the report throws the the error:
A number is required here... <formula>
- SAP Crystal Reports, developer version for Microsoft Visual Studio
- Microsoft Visual Studio
- The data type is different than what the report is expecting
- This is often, thought not exclusively the case when using XML as a datasource:
- If and XSD specification is not provided at runtime, all fields are converted to string
- Ensure that field types match what the report is expecting (what it was designed against)
- Create a formula that will work irrespective of the field being numeric or string:
- Nest the database field in a function:
val ( replace (Totext ( {myDB.field} ) , ',' , '' ))
- The above formula will not work with currency fields - use second Replace() function to remove the currency sign, commas, etc.
deployed run time CRVS CR4VS 2010 2012 VS , KBA , BI-DEV-NET-SDK , .NET SDK / COM SDK , Problem
Crystal Reports 2008 V1 ; SAP Crystal Reports, developer version for Microsoft Visual Studio ; SAP Crystal Reports, version for Visual Studio .NET 2005 ; SAP Crystal Reports, version for Visual Studio .NET 2008