Elimination is not displayed on the right hierarchy node at the aggregated level (no detail by partner).
In the scope used for consolidation, the hierarchy is defined as following:
- Reporting entity A is part of North America
- Reporting entity B is part of Latin America
- North America and Latin America are both attached to America.
- America, as well as Asia and Europe are then attached to WORLD.
- In the reporting unit rollup rule, the Elimination Audit ID is defined for “First common parent” contribution level
- Reporting entity A has an inter-company transaction with Reporting entity B.
Using hierarchy retrieval mode, the elimination figure at the aggregated level (not detailed by partner) is displayed at the North America node, where reporting unit A is attached to.
This is not the expected result as the elimination at the aggregated level should be displayed at the America node.
This is a typical issue encountered with the elimination on Cash Flow Statement accounts, periodical flows (or other technical flows) or substitution or generation of the Partner dimension values
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