You are using one of the following SAP standard trip provision variants: Czech Republic (18), Poland (46), Russia (33), Slovakia (31) or Ukraine (36).
If travel costs in foreign currencies are involved in a trip it is required to define a reference date that serves as key date for determining the exchange rate for currency conversion.
(Depending on the legal regulations the reference date can be e. g. the first or last day of the trip.)
SAP ERP 6.0 Enhancement Package 5 (EHP5) and higher
Business Travel Management - CEE Countries
Czech Republic, Poland, Poland, Russia, Slovakia, Poland, reference date, PTRV_DATTN, PTP02-EXCHANGE_DATE, GLO_PTRV_REF_DATE_DEFAULT , KBA , FI-TV-COS , Trip Costs , XX-CSC-UA-TV , use FI-LOC-CA-US , XX-CSC-CZ-TV , use FI-LOC-TV , XX-CSC-RU-TV , use FI-LOC-TV , XX-CSC-SK-TV , use FI-LOC-TV , XX-CSC-PL-TV , use FI-LOC-TV , How To
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