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1847411 - Allocation failed. Dbspace iq_main is OUT OF SPACE on delete - SAP IQ


When you execute a large "delete" statement might cause OUT OF SPACE error, you will see the following in the .iqmsg file

Delete of 2 rows completed for table: bigtable, 0 seconds.
I. 04/11 12:37:23. 0000000000 Allocation failed. Dbspace iq_main is  OUT OF SPACE
I. 04/11 12:37:23. 0000002869 Exception Thrown from s_bufman.cxx:4735, Err# 0, tid 6 origtid 6
I. 04/11 12:37:23. 0000002869    O/S Err#: 0, ErrID: 2096 (s_nodbspaceexception); SQLCode: -1009170, SQLState: 'QSB66', Severity: 14
I. 04/11 12:37:23. 0000002869 [20223]: You have run out of space in iq_main DBSpace.
-- (s_bufman.cxx 4735)
I. 04/11 12:37:23. 0000002869 Rbck
I. 04/11 12:37:23. 0000002869 PostRbck



  • SAP IQ 15.4
  • SAP IQ 16


SAP IQ all versions


11766045, 11777280, 699102, ESD, monitor dbspace , KBA , BC-SYB-IQ , Sybase IQ , How To

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